Carter-Jones Collection Service, Inc. is a well established collection agency with offices located in Southern Oregon and Northern California. Since opening in 1961, Carter-Jones Collection Service Inc. has recovered a significant amount of bad debt losses for our clients. Our Oregon collection agency, Carter-Jones Collection Service, Inc., and our Northern California collection agency, Northern Credit Service, have the unique advantage of being located close to your Southern Oregon and Northern California clients. We know your clients and we know how to collect debt from them.

  • We are qualified to:

• Pursue overdue accounts, judgments and promissory notes.
• File small claims lawsuits
• Garnish paychecks, levy bank accounts, lien property.
• Forward accounts to collection agencies in other states and foreign countries
• Report to the three major credit bureaus, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion

  • Each of our employees has chosen to accept the ACA International’s Collector’s Pledge as a guideline for how we conduct our business:

• We believe every person has worth as an individual.
• We believe every person should be treated with dignity and respect.
• We will make it our responsibility to help consumers find ways to pay their debts.
• We will be professional and ethical.
• We will commit to honoring this pledge.

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